Podcasting en The New York Times

Después de USA Today y New Scientist, le toca a The New York Times ocuparse de los podcasts. « Tired of TiVo? Beyond Blogs? Podcasts Are Here» es relativamente largo y cubre sobre todo el aspecto humano, las motivaciones de productores y consumidores de podcasts. Señala también el rápido crecimiento de los podcasts (que ha superado con creces el crecimiento de las bitácoras):

People who study consumer behavior say the rapid growth of podcasts reflects people’s desire for a personalized experience, whether creating a stuffed animal at a Build-a-Bear store or creating playlists for their iPods.

«It’s about control,» said Robbie Blinkoff, an anthropologist at Context-Based Research, a consulting firm in Baltimore that has done several studies on how technology changes human behavior.

«Making something of their own, feeling like they’ve put it together, there’s lots of self-confidence in that,» Mr. Blinkoff said.

Categoría: Silva

Pedro Jorge Romero

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