Comos Latinos, otra reseña

Otra reseña de Cosmos Latinos. Pone al libro muy bien y comenta especialmente los cuentos sobre viajes en el tiempo:

If the motifs and themes are familiar, however, they are given different twists. Take the time travel stories: in Ricard de la Casa and Pedro Jorge Romero’s «The Day We Went Through the Transition», the favorite target of time terrorists is Spain’s transition to democracy in the mid-1970s, while in «Gu Ta Gutarrak» Magdalena Mouján Otaño takes a hoary time travel plot and mixes it up with some light-hearted Basque nationalism. While malign or authoritarian governments are a genre tradition, for many of the authors in Cosmos Latinos that is informed by first-hand experience of prisons, censorship, and disappearances, rather than by the more theoretical libertarianism of much North American science fiction. Factories and working conditions appear as themes in several stories; religion — and specifically Catholicism — in others.


p class=»media»>[Estoy escuchando: «Yesterdays Men» de Madness en el disco The Heavy Heavy Hits]

Categoría: Silva

Pedro Jorge Romero

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