Satin Island

Me empieza a caer bien Tom McCarthy. Creo que voy a leer su Satin Island.

Tom McCarthy Goes to TED

Yes, then it does veer into satire. TED talks for me are the kind of perfect example of, like, smart stupidity — and basically Christian conservatism in disguise. The televangelist saying I’ve got the solution to everything in 15 minutes and it all comes down to neuroscience or some graphic user interface. And so my guy goes to Frankfurt and tries to give this talk that problematizes it and of course he’s got no purchase at all from the audience, who wants some quick meaning-biscuits.

Y también:

All the art projects I do are literary projects; the art world is just the place where they can be realized. Art is the only place where you can say, “I need a radio station, and all this other stuff, and it’s gonna cost quite a lot of money and it has no value and you can’t sell it,” and a curator can say, “Yeah, you’re right, let’s do it.” But I don’t really see a categorical difference. London had this explosion in the ’90s of an art scene and suddenly that was where all the action was. In the same way that in France in the ’50s and ’60s all the characters like Lévi-Strauss and Derrida and Deleuze, they all became philosophers. A century earlier they would have been novelists.

Categoría: Silva

Pedro Jorge Romero

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