Sobre la inexistencia de los agujeros de gusano

Pues eso: Why wormholes (probably) don’t exist

The Universe is a slippery little weasel: we are often surprised by new discoveries. However, the likelihood of wrongness increases with the grandiosity of the claim. For large stable wormholes of the type claimed in this paper (or the types in Interstellar, Contact, Deep Space Nine, and other science fiction) we need to be wrong about a lot of different things that touch on several branches of fundamental science. We would need general relativity to be wrong in its own claims about itself, and we would need to fundamentally revise the way we interpret astronomical data. Much as I love the idea of wormholes, I love the reliability of general relativity — and reality — more.

Por desgracia, Hay gente que ha leído demasiada ciencia ficción.

Categoría: Silva

Pedro Jorge Romero

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