Las ventajas del privilegio

Cuando alguien hace una obra sobre tus problemas, por insustanciales que sean, te parece mejor que obras que tratan problemas más serios de otros grupos. Y si encima el tuyo es el grupo que decide qué es de calidad y qué no lo es, pues…

Un ejemplo:

The Trip to Italy (2014) – Poo and Broken Glass | Ruthless Culture

Critics are as much the victims of pandering as anyone else. When a middle-aged white guy writes about the minutiae of his life then the middle-aged white guys who write about these types of things in broadsheet newspapers are incapable of not taking him seriously. Many of these critics roll their eyes at media that panders to other groups but the second a work of art suggests that their lives are worthy of artistic scrutiny, all critical instincts evaporate. Why else would so much mainstream literature and European film revolve around middle-aged men having affairs and getting divorced? The Trip to Italy is about hugely successful middle-class, middle-aged white men eating fine food, having sex with beautiful women and still feeling a little bit sad and yet few critics seem willing to call it what it is: cynical, self-indulgent, pandering bullshit that amounts to little more than Twilight for the Viagra and red wine generation.

Categoría: Silva

Pedro Jorge Romero

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