Google Glass y la imagen

No una foto de las gafas, sino la imagen que tienen en la imaginación popular. En The Flawed “Frames” of Google Glass se argumenta que Google sobre todo ha perdido la batalla de la imagen:

As Google flailed about in a flummoxed frenzy in which the best they could offer was “it’s a work in progress” the term “glasshole” came to encapsulate the out of touch and techno-elitist aura around Glass and its celebrants. For Google Glass to be successful, really successful, it needed to be “cool” – and being a “glasshole” did not seem “cool.” Furthermore “glasshole” functioned wonderfully as a “frame” insofar as it supplies those who are wary of Glass (for whatever reason) with a simple vocabulary with which to voice their disapproval. People may not know what Google Glass really does, but they know that it turns the wearer into a “glasshole” – and the only “app” to fix that is to take off the Glass.

Categoría: Silva

Pedro Jorge Romero

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