El síndrome de Estocolmo literario

«Reading a novel of punishing difficulty and length is a version of climbing Everest for people who prefer not to leave the house. And people who climb Everest don’t howl with exhilaration at the summit because the mountain was a good or a well made or an interesting mountain per se, but because they’re overawed at themselves for having done such a fantastically difficult thing. I’m willing to concede that they may not howl with exhilaration at all, what with the tiredness, the lack of oxygen and very possibly the frostbite. I’ll admit to being on shaky ground here, as I’ve never met anyone who’s climbed Everest, nor am I likely to if I continue not going out of the house.»

En The Millions : The Stockholm Syndrome Theory of Long Novels.

Categoría: Silva

Pedro Jorge Romero

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  • Sara 5 junio, 2011, 2:06 pm


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