La medalla de oro de Zhang Yimou

It was the same with the performance based on cubes that rose and fell, seemingly controlled by digital means. I was blindsided when the human beings beneath the cubes revealed themselves. Such precision. Such dedication. Four months in rehearsal, eight hours a day. The effect of the presentations was enhanced, even created, by the colorful, exuberant costumes, many designed by Eiko Ishioka («Mishima,» «The Fall»), the Oscar-winning Japanese designer. I was even moved by the Chinese cheerleaders who danced and waved, forming a ring around the entire track for the parade of nations. They didn’t stop for more than two hours. The heat was 85 degrees, the humidity high. I looked closely, but couldn’t spot a single young woman who had collapsed or fainted. Their task in itself was an athletic feat.

Interesante reflexión de Roger Ebert sobre la ceremonia de inauguración. También vale la pena leer los comentarios. Zhang Yimou’s gold medal – Roger Ebert’s Journal

Categoría: Silva

Pedro Jorge Romero

Show 1 Comment
  • fernand0 1 septiembre, 2008, 6:32 pm

    Sería posible y razonable el coste de una máquina que hiciera eso tan grande?

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