La muerte de la música

Mark Pilgrim se marca una divertida entrada sobre la muerte de la música, situación que se da cuando el sistema de protección de derechos de la música que has comprado deja de funcionar por alguna razón, normalmente porque el fabricante original deja de soportarlo. Lo curioso es que los más perjudicados en esa situación son precisamente los mejores clientes, los que más música compraron.

Algunos párrafos selectos. Sobre los sistemas de protección de copia:

Bruce Schneier, a famous cryptologist — or at least as famous a cryptologist as cryptologists are likely to get in this century — once described attempts to make digital bits uncopyable as “trying to make water not wet.”

Sobre la tienda iTunes de Apple.

To their credit, if that’s the right word, you can now purchase some music from the iTunes store that is unencrypted and plays anywhere. Apple calls these songs “iTunes Plus”, because it sounds so much better than calling everything else “iTunes Minus.” Apple has also promoted podcasts and other non-traditional sources of “things you might want to download onto our handheld devices where we make all of our money.” Steve is many things, but he is not an idiot.

Y sobre «todo el que tuviese dos dedos de frente sabía que pasaría»:

As you might expect, the EFF is just bursting with joy at the prospect of rubbing salt in the wound and saying “I told you so.” This is their “I told you so” letter. I would join in their jubilation, but frankly I’m tired of being right all the time. It was fun for a while, but now it’s just depressing.

Categoría: Silva

Pedro Jorge Romero

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