Parodia de Haruki Murakami

«The Mysterious Disappearance of the Strangely Beautiful Woman» es una buenísima (incluso bonísima) parodia de Haruki Murakami. Para apreciarla hay que conocer algunas de las novelas del autor (especialmente Crónica del pájaro que da cuerda al mundo) y sus temas más habituales. Pero me resultó hilarante.

Not much to look at, most people would say. Not your Reubenesque Picasso-with-the-eyes-on-the-same-side-of-her-nose type. To me, however, she was ninety-nine and forty-four one-hundredths percent perfect. I think it was the way she pared her toenails. If another woman had placed her bare, calloused foot on the dinner table, and proceeded to give herself a pedicure with a butter knife, I’m sure I would have been horrified. But there was something in the way this woman performed the act, as though each horny chunk of keratin was a sin being expiated. Just watching gave me an erotic sensation, almost, but not entirely unlike, the feeling of making love to three women and a midget at the very top of a Ferris Wheel.

Categoría: Silva

Pedro Jorge Romero

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  • eduo 23 junio, 2007, 10:36 pm

    Se lo tengo que enseñar a Itzel. Ella pensaba que la forma en la que yo me hacía los pies era poco digna.

    Yo además lo mejoro utilizando tambien los dientes. Si, señor.

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