Microsoft ha muerto

Lo dice Paul Graham en Microsoft is Dead. Dos citas:

Microsoft cast a shadow over the software world for almost 20 years starting in the late 80s. I can remember when it was IBM before them. I mostly ignored this shadow. I never used Microsoft software, so it only affected me indirectly-for example, in the spam I got from botnets. And because I wasn’t paying attention, I didn’t notice when the shadow disappeared.

But it’s gone now. I can sense that. No one is even afraid of Microsoft anymore. They still make a lot of money-so does IBM, for that matter. But they’re not dangerous.

Y más adelante:

I already know what the reaction to this essay will be. Half the readers will say that Microsoft is still an enormously profitable company, and that I should be more careful about drawing conclusions based on what a few people think in our insular little «Web 2.0» bubble. The other half, the younger half, will complain that this is old news.

No sé hasta qué punto tiene razón, pero se trata de uno de esos ensayos más interesantes por lo que te hace pensar que por lo que dice.



Categoría: Silva

Pedro Jorge Romero

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