Sony presenta su nuevo modelo de cliente

Los de The Onion se superan cada día más. En Sony Unveils New Model Customer, hablan de Steve, su nueva versión del consumidor ideal:

The 72-inch, 195-pound consumer-a 34-year-old unmarried financial analyst-is smaller, lighter, and swifter than last year’s beta-model consumer, Larry.

«Larry was much less mobile, which worked well for electronics enjoyment but less so for purchasing,» said Hideo Ichimonji, head of the design team for the Ideal Consumer Project. «Also, the Larry’s decision-processing became jammed when forced to choose from more than one potential Sony product. By implementing parallel-purchasing solutions and simplifying its personality traits, we’ve ensured that Steve will always be a loyal Sony customer without any annoying system shutdowns or buying freezes.»

Hablan de la gama de colores disponibles, de su interoperabilidad con otras marcas y de su amplio límite de crédito. Sólo tiene una competencia:

Analysts say that Steve’s only real competition comes from Apple Computer’s own ideal consumer, the iBuy. But because the much more expensive iBuy is designed only to purchase and enjoy the pricier, but limited Apple product line, and is not intershoperable with other systems, Steve’s appeal will likely prove much broader.


Categoría: Silva

Pedro Jorge Romero

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