Unos koanes para pasar la tarde

Enseñanzas zen para alcanzar la iluminación y eso. Mi preferida:

A monk sat in the forest with his three students. He took out his fan and placed it in front of him, saying, «Without calling it a fan, tell me what this is.»

The first said, «You couldn’t call it a slop-bucket.» The master poked him with his stick.

The second and third students were actually rocks that the master had mistaken for students, because it was getting very dark. Suddenly, the master and his pupil felt alone and afraid.

In the distance, a wolf howled.


Categoría: Silva

Pedro Jorge Romero

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  • pako 18 diciembre, 2009, 6:45 am

    que sentido tiene este cuento? es muy extraño.. el maestro sintio miedo porque estaba oscureciendo y encima se sintieron solos y estaban juntos.. confundia a sus estudiantes con rocas.. el alumno le tomaba el pelo y el maestro lo golpeaba por equivocarse…

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