¿Qué clase de humanista eres?

Todo el mundo lo está haciendo, así que yo también. Me ha salido algo que se acerca bastante, la verdad:


You are one of life’s enjoyers, determined to get the most you can out of your brief spell on Earth. Probably what first attracted you to atheism was the prospect of liberation from the Ten Commandments, few of which are compatible with a life of pleasure. You play hard and work quite hard, have a strong sense of loyalty and a relaxed but consistent approach to your philosophy.

You can’t see the point of abstract principles and probably wouldn’t lay down your life for a concept though you might for a friend. Something of a champagne humanist, you admire George Bernard Shaw for his cheerful agnosticism and pursuit of sensual rewards and your Hollywood hero is Marlon Brando, who was beautiful, irascible and aimed for goodness in his own tortured way.

Sometimes you might be tempted to allow your own pleasures to take precedence over your ethics. But everyone is striving for that elusive balance between the good and the happy life. You’d probably open another bottle and say there’s no contest. What kind of humanist are you? Click here to find out.

En «You play hard and work quite hard, have a strong sense of loyalty and a relaxed but consistent approach to your philosophy» lo de trabajar duro no tanto, pero lo de mi aproximación filosófica sí. También me gusta: «You can’t see the point of abstract principles and probably wouldn’t lay down your life for a concept though you might for a friend.»

Categoría: Silva

Pedro Jorge Romero

Show 3 Comments
  • BioMaxi 16 noviembre, 2005, 2:44 am

    Tu quoque? No podias ser menos!
    Voy a repetir el test, pero poniendo la opcion menos humanista en cada caso, a ver que sale…

  • malambo 22 noviembre, 2005, 7:10 pm

    Bueno, al menos eres más divertido que yo. Gracias por el enlace, Pedro.

  • Alvaro 2 diciembre, 2005, 3:12 am

    A mi me ha salido lo mismo Haymaker.. hedonista en extremo, pero más ateo que agnóstico.

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