Space Boy

Space Boy es un bicho desarrollado por Player X y Vodafone. Vive en tu móvil, alimentándose de llamadas y mensajes. Lo definen como un cruce entre juego móvil, tamagotchi y salvapantallas. Es el primero de unos amigos para móviles que llaman Mobies:

Mobies respond to practically everything a user does with his or her phone. From dancing excitedly when the phone rings, or receiving a letter when an SMS or MMS arrives, through to fixing an aerial when the network signal is weak or becoming tired when the battery is low, a Mobie is the user’s mobile phone.

In addition, a Mobie will learn its owner’s routine and throughout the day can be seen performing tasks like getting up, brushing his or her teeth, having breakfast and taking a shower.

Whenever the user receives a phone call, an SMS or an MMS message, their Mobie’s health and happiness will increase. The more messages and calls received, the more a Mobie can do. New activities will be unlocked and new props and toys will become available. If a user is not receiving calls or messages, they can still ensure their Mobie stays fit and happy, by competing in mini games on the handset, to help their Mobie find more energy and remain healthy.

Yo así de pronto diría que no, que es imposible que eso tenga éxito. Pero por otra parte, considerando que la venta de tonos de llamadas para móviles es un negocio tremendo, seguro que los Mobies resultan ser un éxito total. Sobre todo si puedes cambiarlos con facilidad y conseguirte un Mobie nuevo cada semana.


Categoría: Silva

Pedro Jorge Romero

Show 1 Comment
  • Manuls 27 julio, 2005, 2:53 pm

    ¿Un bichito que te puede entretener en cualquier momento del día y que interactúa contigo?

    No es tan mala idea.. la verdad 🙂

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