¿Por qué las zanahorias son tan buenas para la vista?

No, no lo son. Pero he encontrado una divertida explicación -cierta o no- del origen del mito:

Urban Legends Reference Pages: Food (Carrots)

In World War II, Britain’s air ministry spread the word that a diet of these vegetables helped pilots see Nazi bombers attacking at night. That was a lie intended to cover the real matter of what was underpinning the Royal Air Force’s successes: Airborne Interception Radar, also known as AI. The secret new system pinpointed some enemy bombers before they reached the English Channel.

British Intelligence didn’t want the Germans to find out about the superior new technology helping protect the nation, so they created a rumor to afford a somewhat plausible-sounding explanation for the sudden increase in bombers being shot down. News stories began appearing in the British press about extraordinary personnel manning the defenses, including Flight Lieutenant John Cunningham, an RAF pilot dubbed «Cats Eyes» on the basis of his exceptional night vision that allowed him to spot his prey in the dark. Cunningham’s abilities were chalked up to his love of carrots. Further stories claimed RAF pilots were being fed goodly amounts of this root vegetable to foster similar abilities in them.

Categoría: Silva

Pedro Jorge Romero

Show 4 Comments
  • Taly 23 mayo, 2005, 11:33 am

    Mas alla de la anecdota, la zanahoria si es buena para la vista por contener betacarotenos que en el organismo se transforma en vitamina A o retinol, muy util ésta para combatir problemas como la sequedad del ojo, fotofobia y ceguera nocturna.

  • cèsar 10 junio, 2008, 2:02 am

    bueno la zanahoria es bueno para la vista lo digo
    por que estoy recuperando mi vista. tambien dice el naturista que el capuli tambien es bueno
    para vista. ya despues lo comento de eso porque estoy consumiendo.chau

  • hugo 20 diciembre, 2009, 1:14 am

    me dijeeron que la uchuva o aguaymanto tambien es buena para las retinas

  • aldy 30 mayo, 2011, 4:49 pm

    esto es lo peor

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