Las técnicas publicitarias más odiadas

Jakob Nielsen (el gurú de al usabilidad. En este caso, gurú de verdad) comenta las técnicas publicitarias más odiadas y cómo afectan al uso de la página. No hay sorpresas. Los navegantes odian en primer lugar los anuncios tipo pop-up que saltan ocupando la pantalla, y reaccionan echándole la culpa a la página:

Most Hated Advertising Techniques (Jakob Nielsen’s Alertbox)

Users have started to defend themselves against pop-ups. The percentage of users who report using pop-up or ad-blocking software increased from 26% in April 2003 to 69% in September 2004, which is an astonishing growth rate.

Users not only dislike pop-ups, they transfer their dislike to the advertisers behind the ad and to the website that exposed them to it. In a survey of 18,808 users, more than 50% reported that a pop-up ad affected their opinion of the advertiser very negatively and nearly 40% reported that it affected their opinion of the website very negatively.

People are getting ever-more annoyed by pop-ups: During a fifteen-month period from December 2001 to February 2003, user ratings of pop-up advertisers grew more negative by almost one full rating point on a 1 to 7 scale.


Categoría: Silva

Pedro Jorge Romero

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