
De The Universe Next Door: The Making of Tomorrow’s Science de Marcus Chown.

New ideas are the stuff of science. Without a constant supply of them -clay pigeons catapulted into the blue sky to be shot down- science would be impossible. As the cosmology consultant of New Scientist, I often come across ideas that blow my mind, that leave my head spinning with their far-reaching ramifications. Such as the notion that time could actually run backward; or that there might exist multiple realities playing out all possible histories; or that our universe may have been created as an experiment by superior beings in another universe.

Invariably, such ideas are attempts to answer the big questions in science. What is time? What is reality? Are we alone in the cosmos? Where did the universe come from? Like nothing else, these questions expose the limits of out current knowledge, highlighting the key issues with which scientists at the frontier are wrestling.

Luego sigue comentando algunas de esas ideas «locas» sobre el universo, el origen de la vida y la naturaleza del tiempo. Algunas son realmente ingeniosas y darías para varias historias de ciencia ficción. Ahora que estoy considerando volver a escribir algún cuento, quizá éste sea el libro adecuado para mí.

Categoría: Silva

Pedro Jorge Romero

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