El sueño mejora el pensamiento lateral

Otro interesante artículo de Nature: Sleep boosts lateral thinking. Dormir los problemas efectivamente ayuda a pensar mejor y resolverlos:

During sleep, our brains are thought to reorganize our ‘episodic’ memories – information about specific places, people, conversations and experiences. This shuffling of the day’s events might be responsible for the participants’ fresh approach to the puzzle the next day, says Born.

Fresh episodic memories are thought to be stored in a brain area called the hippocampus. But ‘permanent’ memories seem to be stowed in another region, the neocortex. Born thinks that memories are shunted from one region to another during sleep, and that they are reordered in the process.

[Estoy escuchando: «It’s a Sin to Tell a Lie» de Fats Waller & His Rhythm en el disco Hits of the 30’s & 40’s, Vol. 1 (1 of 2)]

Categoría: Silva

Pedro Jorge Romero

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