Las naciones como mitos

Nationcraft as Mythcraft. Interesante comentario sobre como los mitos nacionales se derrumban en ocasiones a la luz de la genética y la lingüística:

Without the aid of natural science the human sciences have traditionally been hijacked and used as tools in the furtherance of ideological crusades. But now that natural science has joined the fray (the scientists have the ?back? of empirically oriented scholars and the reverse), the ideologues are terrified, their utopian visions always threatened by the encroachment of reality. The scholarship is strengthened and more difficult to dismiss when buttressed by genetics or skeletal morphology (augmented by computation).

[Estoy escuchando: «Valsecito para una rubia tremenda» de Adrián Iaies cuarteto en el disco Round Midnight y otros Tangos]

Categoría: Silva

Pedro Jorge Romero

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