Para los hombres las mujeres bonitas son como las drogas

Pretty women scramble men’s ability to assess the future. Enfrentados a la cara bonita de una mujer, los hombres (asumo que se refiere a heterosexuales) se comportan como adictos a las drogas:

Biologists have long known that animals prefer immediate rewards to greater ones in the future. This process, known as «discounting the future», is found in humans too and is fundamental to many economic models.

Resources have a value to individuals that changes through time. For example, immediately available cash is generally worth more than the same amount would be in the future. But greater amounts of money in the future would be worth waiting for under so-called ‘rational’ discounting.

But some people, such as drug addicts, show ‘irrational’ discounting. For example, preferring a small amount of heroin today rather than a greater amount in the future.

Y aquí está lo bueno:

Wilson and Daly found that male students shown the pictures of averagely attractive women showed exponential discounting of the future value of the reward. This indicated that they had made a rational decision. When male students were shown pictures of pretty women, they discounted the future value of the reward in an «irrational» way – they would opt for the smaller amount of money available the next day rather than wait for a much bigger reward.

Women, by contrast, made equally rational decisions whether they had been shown pictures of handsome men or those of average attractiveness.

(vía the null device)

[Estoy escuchando: «Beyond the Sea» de Robbie Williams en el disco Swing When You’re Winning [Expanded] (1 of 2)]


Categoría: Silva

Pedro Jorge Romero

Show 1 Comment
  • ricardo 8 agosto, 2008, 3:00 am

    a la wea me da paja pasarla a español


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