Regalos para el científico de la casa.

Scientific American ofrece su lista de «Top Sci/Tech Gifts 2003: 25 great holiday gifts for science lovers of all ages«:

Once again, we have left no stone unturned in ferreting out the very best gifts for the science lovers in your midst. What’s under those rocks, you might well ask. Well, the South American Longhorn Beetle Collection for one, mounted quite elegantly in your choice of frames in one of our most attractive present selections. What’s more, we?ve got a one-pound, anatomically correct chocolate brain for hungry minds, an at-home forensics lab for the pint-sized Sherlock, and, at long last, a clever contraption that will help your loved ones to divine their dogs’ most profound emotions. For your very nearest and dearest, consider a self-orienting telescope, a Swarovski crystal-studded computer mouse, or Sony’s AIBO ERS-7, the latest and most astounding in robotic pet technology.

ideales para ese amante de la ciencia que todos tenemos en casa. Mis preferidos: James D. Watson Bobble Head, Discovery Whodunit? Forensics Lab y (¿cómo no?) ERS-7 AIBO.

En cualquier caso, para los interesados en hacerme un regalo, les recuerdo que tengo lista de los deseos en

(vía Microsiervos)

Categoría: Silva

Pedro Jorge Romero

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