Patterns for Personal Web Sites:
There are many personal Web sites. The vast majority are mediocre. Some are bad. Fewer are good. An extremely small number are excellent.
These excellent sites — and I use «excellent» subjectively — fascinate me. Why is finding a new one such a delight? What distinguishes them from the rest? What unnamable yet instantly recognizable quality do they possess?
This is my attempt to answer some of these questions. My method is to distill the qualities of the best personal Web sites (and my own) into a set of patterns. These patterns can be used as guidelines for creating a personal Web site.
Es ante todo una sistematización. Por lo tanto, aunque Unchanging URLs y Incremental Growth suenen conocidas no dejan de ser importantes.
(vía eCuaderno v.2.0)
[Estoy escuchando: «Metropolis» de Kraftwerk en el disco Die Mensch-Maschine]