El copyright de Google

Google tiene al pie de su página una indicación de copyright (que ahora mismo dice: «©2003 Google – Searching 3,083,324,652 web pages»). Considerando que en la página no hay realmente nada, ¿por qué la han puesto? Pues resulta que es una cuestión de usabilidad:

In its early days, the company asked some focus group participants to search for information using its site. But many people, when they went to Google, did nothing for a minute or two.

When asked why, these apparent procrastinators said they were waiting for the rest of the site to load.

So, the company thought that by putting a copyright notice on its page–something usually found only at the bottom of a fully loaded page–perhaps people would get the hint that the spartan page was fully loaded.

(vía the null device)

[Estoy escuchando: «Sarah» de Thin Lizzy en el disco Shades Of A Blue Orphanage]

Categoría: Silva

Pedro Jorge Romero

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