AspectJ in Action de Ramnivas Laddad

No sabía siquiera que hubiese libros sobre AspectJ (una implementación de AOP para Java) y me entero de que hay tres nada menos. En cualquier caso, Merrick Schincariol comenta los tres y recomienda AspectJ in Action de Ramnivas Laddad (que aparentemente estaba disponible electrónicamente, pero ya no):

This is the most recent book on AspectJ, so much so that it technically hasn’t yet been published (I downloaded the e-book). I just finished reading it last night, and I’m very impressed with what I see.

Ramnivas takes an approach similar to that of Ivan’s in that he focuses more on the application of AOP than the language semantics. Indeed, all of three chapters out of thirteen are used to describe the AspectJ language (although in those three chapters he covers a lot of material that gets scant coverage in the other books, such as percflow aspects).

Where this book excels, however, is in parts two and three. Here we have a subject-oriented style, with one topic per chapter that goes into depth on how AOP can be used to solve many design problems. The usual problems are covered (security, caching, transactions, etc.), as well as topics such as thread safety, policy enforcement and business rules. His chapter on design patterns is also well written, with «wormhole» being my favorite. I can see myself coming back to these chapters in the future.

There is no coverage of GoF patterns or other architectural approaches that can be taken with AOP, which is a shame. Patterns such as Observer are the perfect application of AOP techniques.

Suena interesante.


p class=»media»>[Estoy escuchando: «Baby Face» de Thin Lizzy en el disco Shades Of A Blue Orphanage]

Categoría: Silva

Pedro Jorge Romero

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