La liga de caballero extraordinarios

Hablé ayer de Piratas del Caribe comentando que la crítica la ponía bastante bien (mejor de lo esperado, más bien). La que no parece haber corrido tan buena suerte es la versión cinematográfica del cómic La liga de caballero extraordinarios. Según Ebert, que le da un 1 sobre cuatro:

«The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen» assembles a splendid team of heroes to battle a plan for world domination, and then, just when it seems about to become a real corker of an adventure movie, plunges into incomprehensible action, idiotic dialogue, inexplicable motivations, causes without effects, effects without causes, and general lunacy. What a mess.

Mientras que Berardinelli le da un 2,5 sobre cuatro y dice:

In an action-packed summer, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen gets outclassed at nearly every turn. This is ’80s style action – lots of fist-fights and low-thrill stuff. It doesn’t come close to matching the special effects-saturated roller coasters that the average recent action/adventure excursions take us on. Speaking of the effects, «special» doesn’t really apply here. The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen looks low-budget, as if all of the money was spent hiring Connery. The most embarrassing example of an effects miscalculation is Jason Flemyng’s Mr. Hyde, which looks like a low-rent Hulk without the green skin. Watching this awkward and ill-conceived creation is enough to cause even the most serious viewer to fall victim to uncontrollable fits of laughter. After seeing Mr. Hyde, no one will ever again consider calling the Hulk’s appearance «unconvincing.»

The Flick Filosopher se dedica a parodiarla directamente.


p class=»media»>[Estoy escuchando: «Contrapunctus 14» de Juilliard String Quartet en el disco Bach — Die Kunst Der Fuge, Vol. II]

Categoría: Silva

Pedro Jorge Romero

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