Almodóvar y la guerra

Un fragmento del agradecimiento de Almodóvar en los Oscar:

But I also want to dedicate this award to all the people that are raising their voices in favor of peace, respect of human rights, democracy and international legality. All of which are essential qualities to live.

Es agradable tener algún compatriota corriendo por esos mundos que te hace sentir orgulloso.

Y ya puestos, un comentario de The New York Times (!) referente a la ausencia de información sobre las protestas antibélicas en la televisión pública (posiblemente, la televisión más privada de España):

In Spain, where the government has backed the invasion of Iraq, the government-owned television network TVE largely ignored Thursday’s antiwar protests in several Spanish cities. But it is providing full coverage of the war itself, aware of competition from the private channels, Antena 3 and Telecinco, which also have reporters in the field.

(Los enlaces me los ha pasado fernand0)

Categoría: Silva

Pedro Jorge Romero

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