Un día en la oficina en el año 2013

A day at the office in 2013. Dan Farber cuenta la historia de Gregor Samson y la oficina en la que es posible que a todos nos toque vivir:

On this day, at 8:30 am, Gregor Samson will receive his first «referral,» an auto-generated, monthly employee report from the CSI. The report informs him that in the last 30 days he has spent 6 percent of his time browsing non-authorized Web locations, 23 percent in video conferences, 1.33 percent in the 4th floor lavatory, and 6 percent at the nearby Starbucks coincident with another 8x employee. He is also made aware that he is over budget in his application usage, which is metered by the minute.

In addition, Gregor is reminded that the corporate spamination system has groomed 42.3 GB of spam from his inbox but that 23 messages are still in an auto-deletion holding pattern pending his review. He also broke security policy by taking 11 classified documents, each with its own unique object tag, from his office to his home. All of this information is communicated to Gregor’s manager.

(vía Smart Mobs)

Categoría: Silva

Pedro Jorge Romero

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