La mujer del programador


es la mujer de un programador, Jason Carreira, que se ha montado una bitácora para contar su visión de las cosas, emitir ácidos comentarios sobre la relación testosterona-programación y en general para dejar a su marido a caer de un burro siempre que sea necesario:

I don’t understand why men seem to have such odd priorities. Grendel, for instance, took an early flight out today (one that I’ve asked repeatedly in the past for him to NEVER TAKE AGAIN but whatever). He gets up at 5, wakes up the baby, has time to watch SportsCenter and sync his email for reading on the plane, and yet is unable to find five minutes before he leaves to help me get the trash and recycling to the curb. Odd, isn’t it?

Grendel, mientras tanto, se ha montado una bitácora más llamada Setting the Story Straight, para, pues eso, contar su versión.

Yo soy rarito, me gusta mucho más el de ella. Y sus comentarios sobre la relación entre pornografía y programación son impagables:

Okay, here’s yet another blog… this one by inluminent. Now, again, I’m a woman. Someone please explain why pictures of hotties barely dressed and blogging about computer stuff goes together? This for me, is like finding the missing link or something. Reading blogs I become Dian Fossey… studying the endangered Programmer and his Porn.


Categoría: Silva

Pedro Jorge Romero

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